专注于Western Blot 成像技术

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Western blot作为一个经典的蛋白定量技术,被称为蛋白表达研究的金标准,已成为每个分子生物学实验室所必须要做的一个实验。但是Western blot 技术本身的发展却非常缓慢,尤其在成像检测技术方面已有20多年的时间没有新的突破。








由于Touch Imager采用了新技术,去掉了传统冷CCD成像设备中的镜头,取而代之的让样品和感光芯片直接接触,用这样的方法减少光信号的损失,从而提高了设备的灵敏度。

传统的光学胶片和冷CCD设备为了捕捉弱信号,只能延长曝光时间,但是这样的操作及其容易让同一条带上的强信号过曝。但Touch Imager使用了先进的技术确保弱信号能显现而强信号不过曝


Touch Imager拥有更高的灵敏度这可能会让使用者担忧灵敏度的提升会不会造成强信号的过曝,我们的技术已经完美的解决了您的担忧



光学胶片成像和冷CCD Western Blot成像系统对弱信号的采集,均有某种程度上的不足,但e-BLOT  Touch Imager的通过独有的技术能捕捉同一条带上的强弱信号。因此Touch Imager的定量范围比冷CCD成像设备高两个数量级



由于我们的Touch Imager的感光芯片灵敏度和定量范围的提升,95%的样品在短短的1秒内被拍到。


touch imager


新技术一定要简洁易用才容易推广,我们的Touch Imager就是这样可以让用户轻松上手,毫无操作障碍。



E-blot Touch Viewer: All-in-One Software Automating Your Result Documentation

Have all the software and imaging applications on one handy instrument ensures that the needed images are captured for optimal data acquisition.

Image Acquisition: Capture Your Image Right Away

The built-in software makes it easy to take the imaging procedure by controlling the high-accuracy photosensitive chips utilized for the revolutionary contact imaging.

The smart interface provides an image preview to aid in image capture, with features like auto-focus and saturation to capture the right proteins.

Image Management: View and Keep Images Organized

The intuitive user interface allows direct access to images for reviewing, transfer, and sorting. View images immediately after capture, with a visible paper trail for proper documentation.

Export or share images using network connections or external drives, allowing for easy transfer of shared data for faster analysis and research.

Image Editing: Tailor the Images Your Way

Freely edit the captured images to highlight the data required for meetings, presentations, posters, and conferences with our built-in editing feature.

The easy-to-use software can adjust images, enhance and magnify image resolution you need, and combine images for better and more detailed data acquisition.

* Rotate   *Zoom in    *Zoom out    *Crop    *Flip

Image Analysis: Boost Your Analyzing Process

Perform on-the-spot or comparative analysis on your captured images using our reliable and accurate analytics feature. After capturing the image, you can easily get the analysis result through either automatic or manual analysis.

The Image Analysis feature streamlines the analytical process by handling validation tests, statistical review, and comparative analysis studies all within the system, reducing possible variations and errors in the process.

拍照模式 自动/手动
满阱电子数 125万e
数据传输速度 1000Mbps
光源控制 化学发光、散落白光
开机等待 无需等待,开机即用
采集时间 > 95% 样品,1秒极速成像
芯片感光面积 158cm2
账户管理 支持多用户管理
多图分析 支持40张图片同时分析,可升级至无限多
图像自动保存 随登录账户自动保存
图像指定分辨率输出 300dpi、600dpi、1200dpi,直接用于文章发表
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod

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